Mark Leidner Is the Boss of Me

Mark Leidner does a boss non sequitur. He is the boss of boss non sequiturs. I am pretty sure adding an S to a Latin word doesn't actually make it plural? If you need boss proof, please go away and read "The Awesomest Bagel," which I read in the shower of an old apartment and read every day for two years, except for the days when I didn't shower. Then come back and keep reading this page here. Oops, you're already gone. That's okay, I am pretty sure plenty of the other people can't read instructions like you can.

Real talk: I have been in love with Mark Leidner since I was 16 years old and had a LiveJournal and discovered his LiveJournal and had vigorous marriage-based fantasies about him. That is seven years of love and counting. He was a member of a poetry community where, to get in, you had to submit three poems and the members would critique them and  vote on whether you should be allowed to join. Mark Leidner voted "yes" on my application and that is still the best part of my life so far.

So the aphorisms in The Angel in the Dream of Our Hangover kind of feel like Mark hair I've been collecting from a Mark brush, and I do mean that in the best way possible. They are precious and mysterious, which probably a lot of things in Harry Potter are too? If you liked Harry Potter, you’ll love The Angel in the Dream of Our Hangover, I am pretty sure.

Check out just one of these bad boys: “aphorism pithily opens a window between the known and the not; nevermind it is winter.” Does it immediately remind me of Game of Thrones and how they really need to get rid of that excruciatingly boring Night’s Watch storyline because I can no longer stand to watch Jon Snow and his dumb boring sad face? Yes. Is it also really freaking “beautiful, like putting on a gold suit and going to sleep in it”? Yes. Do I watch too much TV? Absolutely. There's  no hope left for me, but if you are interested in delaying the decay of your own brain, I hear that books are good for that. This one is even small and easy to read, which is a plus if your brain is half decayed, or three quarters.

Kristina Born

Kristina Born ain’t know a diamond from extremely great salt. Her favorite movie is Ginger Snaps 3.


The Poetics of Our Suffering


"What I am fine means is please stop talking."